Friday, November 10, 2006

Approaching the Seat of the Universal House of Justice

I have been here now just over two weeks in the Holy Land and it has gone by in a complete blur. The World Centre does an impressive job of getting you oriented, spiritualized and prepared to navigate the streets of Haifa and the many policys and procedures of life at the World Centre. It has to be one of the most unique places you can live and work in the world. I've met people from all over (Nepal, France, Germany, Kenya, Brazil, etc..) and after the first few days you take a step back and realize that all of these different people are united by two things... their belief in Baha'u'llah and their desire to come serve Him.

The Shrines become a constant source of renewal and refreshment, any time I begin to feel spiritually "outta-whack" its nice to have them close by to go to. The other night the first Pilgrim group of the season, of which Martine was a part, did their farewell. The farewell used to take place IN the Shrine, but now it takes place OUTSIDE and the Pilgrims circummambulate the Shrines. As staff, we had the chance to walk behind them; an old woman circummambulated despite being barely able to walk and being assisted by a friend, and a man who was completing adoring every inch of it rubbing his hand along it like he would an old adored friend. There was a full moon that at one point looked like someone from on high decided to shine a spotlight on the bay, I had never seen anything like it.

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